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Mendez, L., Borsa, P., Cruz, S., de Grissac, S., Hennicke, J., Lallemand, J., Prudor, A. & H. Weimerskirch (2017). Geographical variation in the foraging behaviour of the pantropical red-footed booby. Marine Ecology Progress Series [pdf]

Tirtaningtyas, F.N. & J.C. Hennicke (2015). Threats to the Critically Endangered Christmas Island Frigatebird (Fregata andrewsi) in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia, and implications for reconsidering conservation priorities. Marine Ornithology 43: 137–140. [pdf]

Hennicke, J.C., James, D.J. & H. Weimerskirch (2015) Sex-specific habitat utilization and differential breeding investments in Christmas Island Frigatebirds throughout the breeding cycle. PLoS ONE, 10(6): e0129437. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129437 [pdf]

Hennicke, J.C. & H. Weimerskirch (2014). Foraging movements of Abbott's Boobies during early chick-rearing and implications for a marine Important Bird Area in Christmas Island waters. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 30: 59-63.

Navarro, J., Moreno, R., Braun, L., Sanpera, C. & J.C. Hennicke (2014). Isotopic niches of two sympatric tropical seabirds breeding on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. Zoological Studies, 53: 27-32.

Hennicke, J.C. & H. Weimerskirch (2014). Coping with variable and oligotrophic tropical waters: Foraging behaviour and flexibility of the Abbott's Booby. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 499: 259-273.

Dehnhard, N. & J.C. Hennicke (2013). Leucocyte profiles and body condition in breeding brown boobies and red-tailed tropicbirds: effects of breeding stage and sex. Australian Journal of Zoology, 61(2): 178-185.

Hennicke, J.C., King, B., Drynan, D., Hardy, L.J., Stokes, A. & S. Taylor (2012). New life span records of the Brown Booby Sula leucogaster. Marine Ornithology 40(2): 125-126.

Hennicke, J.C. (2012). Christmas Island Goshawk predation on Abbott's Booby chick and competition with a Robber Crab. Australian Field Ornithology, 29(4): 196-200.

Morris-Pocock, J., Hennicke, J.C. & V. Friesen (2012). Effects of long-term isolation on genetic variation and within-island population genetic structure in Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) seabirds. Conservation Genetics 13(6): 1469-1481.

Hennicke, J.C. (2012). Return of an historical threat to the endangered Abbott's Booby? Marine Ornithology 40(1): 74-75.

Merino, S., Hennicke J.C., Martínez, J., Ludynia, K., Torres, R., Work, T.M., Masello, J.F. & P. Quillfeldt (2012). Infection by Haemoproteus parasites in four species of frigatebirds and the description of a new species of Haemoproteus (Haemosporida: Haemoproteidae). Journal of Parasitology 98(2): 388-397.

Dehnhard, N., Quillfeldt, P. & J.C. Hennicke (2011). Leucocyte profiles and H/L ratios in chicks of Red-tailed Tropicbirds do not reflect stress, but the ontogeny of the immune system. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 181(5): 641-648.

Quillfeldt, P., Martínez, J., Hennicke, J.C., Ludynia, K., Gladbach, A., Masello, J.F., Riou, S. & S. Merino (2011) Hemosporidian blood parasites in seabirds - a comparative genetic study of species from Antarctic to tropical habitats. Naturwissenschaften 97(9): 809-817.

Sommerfeld, J. & J.C. Hennicke (2010) Comparison of trip duration, flight activity and diving behaviour between incubating and chick-rearing Red-tailed Tropicbirds (Phaethon rubricauda) on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. EMU 110: 78 - 86.

Hennicke, J.C. (2009). First record of a white-tailed brown morph Red-footed Booby on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. Marine Ornithology 37(2): 179-180.

Hennicke, J.C. & K. Flachsbarth (2009). Effects of the Cyclone "Rosie" on breeding Red-tailed Tropicbirds on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. Marine Ornithology 37(2): 175-178.